Reshaping a Viscount’s Heart – Extended Epilogue


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Three Years Later

The air was filled with the scent of ink and parchment as Lady Romilly, Viscountess of Waverley, stood in her private study amidst a clutter of handwritten drafts and leather-bound volumes. With a quill in one hand and a freshly pressed sheet of paper on her mahogany desk, she caught her own reflection in the gilded mirror across the room. She saw the serenity in her features, framed by her pale red hair—now neatly styled—and those signature bright blue eyes, which sparkled as she leaned over her latest manuscript.

These days, she wore her titles like well-fitted garments—Viscountess, mother, and the one she held most dear, author. Though she’d assumed the latter title under the mysterious alias of “Mrs. A. Fielding,” her words had managed to captivate the hearts and minds of readers far and wide.

As she poised her quill to deliver the final lines of her newest tale, she heard the distant echoes of laughter float through the window from the direction of their expansive garden. She set the quill down, curiosity overcoming her. Glancing out the window, she observed a heartwarming tableau: her husband, Benedict, was gleefully chasing their two-year-old daughter, Rosalind, around a mulberry bush.

Benedict, a portrait of paternal affection, caught little Rosalind up in his arms, lifting her high into the sky as she squealed with delight. His happiness was infectious, and Romilly found herself smiling too. The love that emanated from Benedict as he looked at their daughter made her feel like the most fortunate woman in England.

“Good heavens, look at the time!” Romilly muttered to herself, glancing at the delicate ormolu clock on her mantelpiece. “We’ll be late for Cressida’s musicale if we dilly-dally any longer!”

She briskly walked down the grand staircase and out into the sunlight, her dress rustling around her in a gentle ballet of silks and laces. “Benedict, love, as charming as this scene is, we must ready ourselves for the evening!”

Benedict looked up, a sheepish grin forming on his face. “Ah, my dearest, we were just having a final game of hide-and-seek, weren’t we, Rosalind?”

The little girl, now perched securely on her father’s shoulders, clapped her hands and exclaimed, “More, Papa!”

“More will have to wait, little dove. We’ve an engagement to attend,” Romilly declared. She extended her arms, and Rosalind leapt into them, giggling.

As they reentered their home, Romilly couldn’t help but reflect on the passage of time. It had been three years since that fateful ball where her life had irrevocably changed—three years of blossoming love, hidden penmanship, and newfound purpose. But it was also three years since her dear friend Cressida had fallen ill.

Her time in Harrogate had improved her condition significantly, and though she was not fully recovered, Cressida had been granted a renewed zest for life. Her musical talents, no longer confined to the walls of her home, had found the grandeur of public concert halls. The musicale they were about to attend was just another marvel in a long line of her triumphs.

“I’ll take Rosalind upstairs to Nanny,” Benedict offered, interrupting Romilly’s musings. “You go ahead and don your finery.”

Romilly smiled gratefully. “Make haste. I’d like to arrive a tad early to exchange a few words with Cressida before her performance.”

Benedict nodded and carried their daughter up the stairs, leaving Romilly with a few peaceful moments alone in the drawing room. She thought about the adventures the evening had in store, completely unaware that it would add another layer of beauty to her already charmed life.

As she touched the silk fan that lay atop the settee, a wave of anticipation washed over her. This was the life she had dreamt of, and it was within her grasp at last.

The gaslight chandeliers flickered warmly above, casting soft light onto the intricately embroidered gowns and finely tailored coats of London’s elite. The attendees had filled the grand concert hall to its brim, their chatter a symphony of anticipation and joy. At the center of it all, Cressida’s harpsichord sat elegantly on the elevated stage, waiting for its mistress to breathe life into it.

Romilly, adorned in a gown of sky-blue silk that complemented her eyes, mingled amidst the sea of well-wishers and music enthusiasts. Her eyes constantly scanned the room for Cressida, her anxiety heightened with each passing minute. Finally, she caught sight of her friend behind a curtain near the stage, looking a bit nervous but stunning nonetheless.

“Ah, Cressida!” Romilly exclaimed as she reached her. “You look absolutely radiant this evening!”

Cressida looked up and smiled. Her eyes sparkled like the constellation of jewels that adorned her gown. “Romilly, dearest, thank you for coming. It means the world to me.”

“How could we not? Your talent deserves an audience far grander than this, although I dare say this is a brilliant start,” Romilly assured her, her voice tinged with pride.

The sound of clearing throats announced the presence of their husbands. Benedict stood there, suave and dashing, arm in arm with Cressida’s husband, Lord Henry. Both were impeccably dressed, the finest examples of Regency masculinity.

“Ah, the knights have arrived to steal our fair damsels away,” Lord Henry teased, offering Cressida a gentle peck on her cheek.

“Not to steal, but to revel in their light,” Benedict countered, his gaze locking onto Romilly’s with warm intimacy.

“Careful now,” Romilly laughed softly, “or you’ll turn my head with such talk.”

“I’d argue it’s a just reward for having completely turned mine,” Benedict whispered, leaning closer.

Their tender moment was interrupted by the clangor of a gong. The audience began to hush, and the musicians took their places. Cressida gave them all a final, appreciative look before ascending the few steps to the platform.

As she sat and positioned her fingers above the harpsichord’s keys, the room went completely silent. Then, like a rushing river released from its gates, the music poured forth. Romilly felt each note touch her very soul, and she knew she was not alone. The entire room seemed to be under Cressida’s spell, bound by the cords of her music and the passion with which she played.

For a fleeting moment, Romilly’s eyes met Cressida’s across the distance. A look of gratitude and friendship passed between them. How wonderful it was, Romilly thought, that they both had found their places in this world, and how much more they had yet to accomplish.

When the final chord resounded through the hall, a thunderous applause erupted. Romilly clapped until her hands tingled, her heart swelling with love and pride. Cressida took her bows, the audience rising to its feet in a unanimous ovation.

After the musicale concluded, the attendees swarmed the musicians to offer their congratulations. Romilly and Benedict, however, found their way towards the exit, satisfied with the whispered exchange of love and support they’d had with their friends earlier.

As they stepped out into the fresh night air, Romilly glanced at her husband. “Shall we walk? The night is too glorious to waste, and the coachman can wait.”

“Lead the way, my lady,” Benedict grinned, offering his arm.

As they strolled through the gas-lit streets of London, Romilly felt a peace settle over her. Life was a beautiful composition, and she was right where she belonged—in love, in purpose, and in the promise of endless tomorrows.
They walked leisurely through the streets, their pace matching the unhurried tempo of their post-musicale bliss. When they reached the bustling thoroughfare near the Strand, Benedict tugged gently at Romilly’s arm.

“Ah, here we are,” he announced, stopping in front of a quaint building with wide glass windows and neatly arranged wooden shelves behind them.

Romilly read the sign above: Johnson’s Circulating Library.

Her eyes widened with realization. “Benedict, I should think we have plenty of reading material at home.”

He chuckled and steered her toward the window display, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “Yes, but none as special as this.”

Laid prominently among the rows of books was a new release under the pseudonym “Mrs. R. Montgomery.” The title gleamed in gold letters, as though infused with a magic only they knew.

“Benedict, truly, you didn’t have to—”

“I didn’t,” he admitted. “I just happened to stroll by yesterday and saw they’d prominently featured your work. How could I resist giving you this moment?”

Romilly felt a tug at her heart. Here was a man who knew her well, who honored her passions as she did his. She marveled at her good fortune, then at the sight before her—of a small group of young ladies bustling into the library, their faces alight with curiosity and excitement. They huddled around her book, one of them finally grasping it eagerly and rushing to the counter.

Romilly felt a swell of emotion, her eyes brimming with tears. She clutched Benedict’s arm. “Do you see that, Benedict? A new generation of women, reading, discussing, and perhaps even writing. Think of the world our daughter will grow up in. A world where women write and men who genuinely support them.”

He looked down at her, his eyes filled with adoration. “Our daughter will grow up to be just as resilient, just as passionate, and just as extraordinary as her mother.”

For a moment, they both stood there, soaking in the significance of this simple but powerful tableau unfolding in front of them.

“Come,” Benedict finally said, his voice thick with emotion. “We should celebrate. A toast is in order.”

Romilly agreed, but as she turned to go, she felt her husband’s gentle hand pause her. He pulled her closer and planted a lingering kiss on her lips, as if sealing their shared dreams and triumphs in this singular, loving act.

And so they moved, arm in arm, down the cobbled streets of London, two souls bound not just by love, but by a harmonious understanding of each other’s hearts and minds. Above them, the stars seemed to twinkle in a choreographed dance, as if the universe itself was celebrating the extraordinary love story penned by life, fate, and a little bit of Regency magic.

The moon had risen, casting silver glimmers over the skyline of London as Romilly and Benedict stepped into a well-known, but intimate tavern frequented by those who cherished the arts. Writers, musicians, and intellectuals gathered here, providing an atmosphere of free thought and deep conversation.

Benedict led Romilly to a secluded table, deftly ordered a bottle of the finest champagne the establishment had to offer, and soon they were toasting to dreams realized and futures yet unwritten.

“To strong women,” he declared, raising his glass high, his eyes never leaving hers.

“To understanding men,” she countered, meeting his toast.

Their glasses clinked in the quiet moment, and both took a sip, letting the effervescent drink symbolize their ever-bubbling joy.

As they settled into their seats, Benedict took a small box from his coat and placed it before Romilly.

“What’s this?” she inquired, her eyes widening at the unexpected gift.

“A token,” he said simply, nudging the box toward her. “Go on, open it.”

Romilly’s fingers carefully lifted the lid to reveal a fine quill, its feather beautifully preserved, dipped in gold at the tip.

“It’s gorgeous, Benedict, but why a quill?”

“It is an eternal symbol, my love,” he explained. “This quill will never run dry, much like your imagination, your passion, your love. It’s unending, and it’s what you give the world and what you give to me.”

Romilly felt her heart swell with emotion, her eyes shining brighter than the polished golden tip of the quill.

“This is where you belong, Romilly,” Benedict continued, capturing her hand and placing it against his chest, “in the very heart of all things wondrous and beautiful. You bring life to words, to our home, to me.”

She was at a loss for words—a rarity indeed for a writer—and simply leaned across the table to kiss him, her lips meeting his in a lingering promise of endless tomorrows.

As they departed, the tavern owner rushed up to them, a broad smile on his face. “Lady Romilly, Lord Benedict, may I say how your presence graces this humble establishment? Oh, and Lady Romilly, your works are quite the talk around here, you know.”

Romilly laughed. “Then perhaps I should hold a reading here someday.”

“An excellent idea,” Benedict chimed in, “and you’ll see men and women, young and old, hanging onto every word you’ve penned.”

Hand in hand, they finally exited, making their way back to their carriage. As they nestled into the plush interior, Romilly leaned her head against Benedict’s shoulder.

“Do you ever think how different life would have been had we not met?”

“Frequently,” he replied, “and it serves as a constant reminder to thank the stars above for the happiest stroke of fate.”

“Yes, to think of all the dances, all the first meetings and awkward conversations that lead us to right here, right now.”

Benedict kissed the top of her head, pulling her closer to him. “We’ve penned our story, love, full of plot twists and turns, but always centered around the same, unequivocal truth—that we are meant for each other.”

Romilly sighed, her heart so full she thought it might burst. “And what a beautiful story it is.”

“The most beautiful,” he agreed.

With that, they leaned back, looking out at the slowly passing streets of London. Home was just a short ride away, but their story, they knew, had no end. It was written in ink that never dries, on pages that never yellow, in a book that never closes—a never-ending tale of love, support, and the kind of happiness that only happens once upon a time, and lasts forever after.


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9 thoughts on “Reshaping a Viscount’s Heart – Extended Epilogue”

  1. Hello, my dear readers! I hope you truly enjoyed this heart-warming romance, especially how the story concluded! Which was your favourite character? Had you imagined a different ending for our couple? I am eagerly waiting to read your replies here! Thank you – always! ♥️✨

  2. A beautiful love story. In the epilogue it gives two different names for her alias. It makes me wonder how the tavern owner recognized her and her works? Still it was a great story.

    1. That’s a good question dear! Maybe he overheard something they said in the tavern! With some glasses of wine the tongue runs faster than it should! 😊 Thank you for the loving support and the always precious feedback!

  3. I love it! I adore seeing Benedict as a doting father!
    I am curious- did I miss something happening to Cressida’s Ryan?

    1. Thank you so much dear Emily! I am so happy you enjoyed the story! If you have any questions or would like any kind of clarifications feel free to contact me directly to my email! 😊 I would love to answer!

  4. The most frustrating and wonderful book. I could not believe He did not contact her when he was back in the city?

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